Heey you! Have you already ordered the new Deep Insight cd Sucker for love? If you haven't, please take a look at their myspace and find out how to order this little piece of heaven;) It is without doubt the best cd I've ever heard, and I'm not saying this just as a fan, I'm telling you this as a fan and a journalist. When you listen to it for the first time, you might think that they've changed a lot. Though that makes sense since we've moved along three years since One Minute Too Late. They sound a bit more accessible for a larger audience, but that doesn't mean that they aren't as rough and emo as they used to be. And don't get me started on the lyrics...The lyrics on this cd are so beautiful! They manage to express feelings I've always had but never understood. These a few of my favourite parts of some of the songs:
"I've got these feelings, they're growing too strong in me they breed from tears and govern with tyranny"
"You cut like a knive. You're the venomous type. Come closer I live for this trill, but you've come for the kill. I know it's over."
"I'm riding on a wave of misfortune, it feels like I'm living my life on distortion"
"I'm not easily troubled cause I've locked my pain in a bubble"
"My heart is a sucker for love, it keeps promising more, it keeps leaving me with nothing"
"My heart is a blackbox"
"I'm crazy enough not to worry about tomorrow"
"My message goes ot through the unknown, to a place I can't reach on my own"
"I've filled my soul with fractions
"I've been living the life of a king, but I'm as hollow as this ring and the promises we've made, I quess the vows have changed"
"The faint-hearted dwell in sorrow"
"Cause every minute every second my heartbeat counts the hours"
What differences Deep Insight from all these other rockbands? I think it's their abbility to express feelings and emotions in their songs in such a magical way. Like in the song "Down to the fire", you can really feel the frustation, anger and grief. The song sounds so powerful, that is makes me want to cry, laugh, scream and dance at the same time. The song Sucker for love really expressed my own feelings and that's what is so magical about that song. I never knew that someone could feel just the way I do. This cd shows their ability to make a perfect balance between different music genres like emo and punk. But in a way you've never heard these genres before, it's in a Deep Insight way. Just perfection and a bit of magic. When people tell me that one day I might be able to write lyrics just as beautiful, I just get angry. You shouldn't think that any band or person can reach the level of Deep Insight. And I know that not everybody understands that, but you as a fan should understand what I mean. So I'm sorry, I know that I can't express my feeling about this cd in a way this cd deserves to be valued. But I can tell you one thing....This cd is perfect
Great review, I completely agree with you... and funny, but a month ago I felt exactly the same thing about the song Sucker for love, that the lyric is just like me...And gosh, I've just been to their gig and after that I had the chance to talk to the boys... it's so amazing and painful to think of that=)) And Ville's the BEST :DD
Hey, I read your comment in my guestbook, thanks :)) I'm from Hungary but at the moment I'm on a long summer holiday in Finland, that's how I saw the band performing at Navettarok which was a really small festival in Lieto, Finland. During the gig it was only 4 of us who were jumping and screaming and singing like crazy in the first row, so no, it wasn't busy =PP It was fantastic, but too short, only 50 minutes! After the gig it was Ville who stayed with us for the longest time, about 20 minutes and we talked a lot and he's just sooo cool=)) It's kinda weird and hard to explain and maybe it's because of my expectations but I was disappointed with Jukka and a little bit with Johannes, too. They came down to us all right and were nice but I just got the feeling, especially at Jukka's case that he's kinda tired of this, meeting fans and stuff and his smile was a little bit fake. That's what always happens to singers... On the contrary, Ville, who can hardly be seen in pictures, hidden in the background, he was just so natural and crazy and I could feel he enjoyed talking to us. So, that's why. I took some pictures about them, this is my blog, if you want to see them (text in Hungarian, sorry) : http://suomi.blogter.hu/357817/iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
By the way, I asked a few people in Finland if they know Deep Insight and almost nobody did!
Sorry for writing this much=PP
Hey, I'll answer here again:)) Actually, that picture was taken when the Green Bee (or what) was performing, so DI had a little bigger audience (when I looked behind, there were 15-20 people standing in a slight distance from us, I think). Oh noo, I highly doubt this behaviour of Jukka would mean the end of the band. Maybe he was born like this, maybe he never could be natural with fans. And I think Johannes was OK. And I'm sure they still enjoy performing, so relax:)) However, Finland is a cool place, I suggest you to go there:)) I hope you'll see them again live:))
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