You've probably never ever heard of this small festival in Groningen, the Netherlands. It seems like it's some secret meeting for rapidly upcoming bands and curious journalists. All the bands of tomorrow were on the line-up, bands like Young Guns, We were Promised Jetpacks, The Megaphonic Thrift, Goldhawk, Audrey Horne, Glamour of the Kill and approximately 244 others. Yes, so many bands to see in just two days! I've have seen the best of the best and the worst of the worst. Worst comes first.
Wasting my time on the festival is not really the best thing you can do. Feel free to make your "own" music, just don't make me feel guilty to leave! I've seen this band from Finland, they're called VUK. No, it doesn't refer to f*ck. It's the most goody-goody band I've ever seen or heard. Lets just say that there were seats in the venue and I had to turn my phone off. Do you get the picture? I was forced to sit down and listen to some vocalist that was pretending to be some kind of whinnying horse I guess. When I finally got the courage I escaped, quietly...
Good news was that the next one could only be better and indeed it was! The Goldhawks look like British Next Top Britpop band, great musicians, good looks and a nice style, what more do you need?
I needed something a little bit heavier. Something like Glamour of the Kill. They sound just as bad-ass as their name. Heavily tattooed tough guys. That was exactly what I needed after one day of only soft Britpoppies and female horses. It might be the next trendy myspace band, but what's wrong with that? They really reminded me of Escape the Fate and since I've missed out on them last month, this had been a good alternative. Glamour of the Kill is just a lot of testosterone, tattoos, emo and great music.

All great bands, but we've saved the best for last. You can't image how much I love this band called Young Guns. It had been the third time that I've seen them, but it was honestly the best gig I've ever been to. They are going to be huge, and that's actually a sad thing to know. They once told me that they would like to be legendary for playing small venues with amazing gigs. I just hope that they would never be legendary for playing HUGE venues with amazing gigs. These guys are just so amazing that I wouldn't want to change them for anything in this world. It's a common phenomenon that bands change when they get bigger. I just wish please please be for always the same, cause you're just perfect the way you are. Their music makes me smile, his smile make me laugh and they just make me happy.
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