5 hours and 20 minutes..... Yes, I am counting the minutes until 30 seconds to mars!!! I really can't wait! Actually I already wanted to be there, to be the first in the row, but I have to wait for my friend... I've made a shirt with their logo and I am wearing clothes that match the dresscode, killing red! I'm actually wondering why I am not listening to their songs right now... Okay, this is better, I am listening attack right now, which I think is one of their best songs! It is powerfull, meaningful and beautiful;) I am sure that you know who 30 seconds to mars is...The are very famous, but if you have been living in a box lately I will tell you who they are... 30 seconds to mars is what you can call an emo band. They make emo rock music with beatiful lyrics and great melodies. the singer is called Jared leto, most people know him from the movies he plays in. he is an actor and plays in movies like American psycho, fight club, Alexander and requiem for a dream... yes, a great actor, but even a better singer!!! 30 seconds to mars have made two albums: 30 seconds to mars and a beautiful lie. I have two, no three, no four favourite songs.... The fantasy, the Mission, Attack and the kill! I really hope that they will be playing this songs tonight;) Another 4 hours and 54 minutes to go and my friend is still not here... But this is a perfect way to kill the time... 30 seconds to mars is a band from Los Angeles in California. It is created by Jared leto ( the guy I already told you about) and by his brother Shannon Leto, he plays drums in the band. Tomo Milicevic plays the guitar and Tim plays bass guitar. These 4 guys create the beautiful and mystical sound of 30 seconds to mars.... just like a lot of other bands, 30 seconds to mars has also got a motto.. But because they have to be "different"their motto is in latin..."provehito in altum" it means something like launch forth into the deep... I will be honest...I don't understand it at all! They also have strange symbols which they never explane...I think that they just want to become a modern myth...That is also the name of one of the songs on a beautiful lie. but they deserve to be a modern myth...And not only that, the are the end of the beginning, the fantasy and the name of this story...
Another 4 hours, 29 minutes and 30 seconds to go....
I love this band!! They are great live!
I just want to correct something: Matt isn't in the band anymore. Here left march 2007 because he wanted to spend time with his family. Nowadays Matt play bass in band called angels and airwaves.
They have temporary bassist Tim. His not official member but have been touring with Jared, Shannon and Tomo for a year now.
I love this band!!!!:P
i freakin love this band they're the best and jared is hot... well they're all hot but he's the hottest of them all :)
if i ever have a chance to meet him i would hug him so hard n never let him go not even when he dies HE IS SO FREAKIN HOTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!
My friend says that u r asome so I'm going 2 hear ur band and get some of ur Rocken songs. K33P ROCK3N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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