After waiting 5 and a half hour, I decided not to wait for my friend anymore and walk to the concert hall, called Heineken music hall. And I asure you that is a long walk!!! I walked for one hour and almost there I arrove at the side of the Heineken music hall. I was about to cross the street when a big and very expensive car crossed my side I looked in it and the first thing I saw was a man with a black lok and a woman sitting next to him... he looked like Tomo Milicevic (the guitarist) and above that he was driving to the back of the Heineken Music Hall... I was not completely sure that he was it, or actually I was pretty sure, but I was completely in shock... And guess what..He waved at me!!! I was totally dressed into the dresscode, with red clothes and all and I was looking so shocked that he might have recognised me as a 30 seconds to mars fan;) I cannot blame him... But stupid as I am, totally shocked, I completely forgot to wave back...Okay after my surprising meeting I went on to what I didn't expect a immense big row... I planned to be there at 3 'o clock, but after some misunderstandings, it became 6 'o clock when I arrived. My friends immidiately got some fries for me cause I couldn't walk any much farther. I quickly went to the bathroom in the cinema next to it and I suprisely saw another row on that side of the building as well, this row was even bigger! After half an hour the doors opened, people were running, like they were running for a bullet, to the inside! So what did I do? Yes gave my coat to my friend and ran for my life! I went together with one of my friends and the rest went to the garderobe, we were supposed to reserve a nice spot, where we had a great view at Jared leto. We did found a great spot, but the other friends became unable to reach for us...I really think that they could have tried harder, but well we went a litlle bit to the back... The fist support act started, a stupid Dutch band called make believe, the singer had a very strange way of moving and they had some good songs, but as you might know, you don´t have to expect a lot of a Dutch band... I mean lets be honest, I don´t want to disrespect my own country, but we only have shit bands over here. Name one good Dutch band...maybe Anouk, but we will not come any furter and above that...I don´t really like bands with women...Sorry! I just like to hear a mans voice and they are more tougher as well...I am a woman and as a woman I just like to see a man perform;) But I don't think that that is just a womans issue, Ian(Lostprophets) also once said it!But I am getting off the subject...O I remember, the supportbands! The next supportband was well....very embarassing, I don't know the name...And I am not willing to look it up for you now as well. It was something German, a kind of electric sort of thing, bit strange but kinda funny! Mostly funny because they were totally tripping!!! At least the singer was, or he must have been a brilliant performer... It wasn't really my kind of music, but I could appreciate it, mostly because of the show they gave. When they finished, I of course screemed my heart out, to prepare my longs for 30 seconds to mars;) But a lot of people were jelling this band out! I never have seen this happen, and I felt very sorry for the band... The waiting became deadly, it became hot and I needed to drink something, but I was unable to leave the audience, cause I would lose my spot... Then my friend fainted, I didn't see it happening, but certain was that she needed to go out of this pushing and sweating mass. Luckily she didn't mind me staying in the front and two of my other friends went to the tribune with her. My other friend who was still with me was having her doubts as well to be standing in the front of a rockconcert, it had been her first rockconcert and she is quite claustrofobic. Finally the concert started! They have had the most impessive start I've ever seen! I don't really know how to explain it, there was like a white curtain before the stage and when they came up you could see all there shadows. They came up with that song, I don't know what it is called, but boxers also use it a lot. After 4 minutes of shadows, a green light appeared and you couldn't even see the cutain fall, but suddenly the band was in front of you! Wow that was a nice special effect! I thought that the started with one of their untitled tracks "Battle of One", but I am not sure... It was just a great opening! But then....my other and last friend that was still with me freaked out, she jelled Pearl please help me, please go with me to the back, I can't go out of here alone, I won't manage! And well, I was like please, please let me stand here, I waited too long for this concert, you can't do this to me! yes, I know, I should have gone with her, it was very mean of me to stay, you can't do that to a friend, she was sooo scared! I still doubted and a few seconds later I couldn't see her anymore I looked everywhere, but she was gone...I send her a sms to say that I was really sorry, but she already found the rest and said that it was no big deal. Jared looked even better than normal! His beard was finally shaved, his hair was nice cut and he had a nice leather jacket on, which he kept on the whole show! He must have had something to hide, cause it was bloody hot over there. They played all the great songs, songs like the kill, from yesterday, attack, was it a dream?, battle of one and some others...then they just left. I was like: If this is it, I never go to one of their concerts again...But of course they came back, first only Jared leto and he played an acoustic sesion, that was soo incredibly beautiful! he played capricorn, the story and a modern myth acoustic. When he started to sing a modern myth everybody was singing along, but not like they usually do, no really beautiful! It sounded like some kind of choir! Luckily they were still not finished after the acoustic session. The played some other songs and Jared and Tomo started wearing bunny ears, looked pretty cute;) And finally they were playing the mission! One of my favourite songs I had not hear yet. They ended with the fantasy, a great song, from which the lyrics were also on my back...I made a shirt with on the back: Do you live, do you die, do you bleed, for the fantasy. This concert was definately worth the money! And it is a shame that it is over already:( Jared had not been as crazy as he was in Utrecht last year, he didn't crowdsurf often (only once a little bit) and because it had been in the big heineken music hall, it wasn't a really personal concert, but I can't blame them for being soooo famous. It does have to do something with the quality. They have been amazing! An all star band!!!!!!
You're absolutely right, it was the most incredible show I've ever been at. I'm from Frankfurt/Germany and I actually could have make it to Cologne but it's during the week and I have to work so it was really like I HAD TO DO THIS, and I don't regret a single second! I don't mind standing there waiting for hours, feet hurting, pushing of the crowd, bruises all over, kinda jet lag feeling because of less sleep the night before and the night after - it all was it worth and I can say that I'm a 43 years old, die-hard fan of 30 Seconds To Mars!
By the way, the curtain thing - I really thought I must be kind of nuts or something, seeing that curtain disappearing but not knowing where because it was just gone, but now that you report the same strange thing I know I'm not ;-)
Oh, one more by the way - beside of me there was a tall guy standing and I had to check him out twice because he looked like Tomo, and man, he could sing! He sang along with Green Day's "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" and I wanted to tell him how good he sings but then 30StM entered the stage and all of this was gone.
It was the most greatest show ever because it also helped me to overcome my panic attacks. I needed to do this and throw myself into the middle of that crazy, crazy crowd and it worked.
It's all in your head... ;-)
Love from Germany
Hi Pearl,
Your site is great. I've got a suggestion. Can you write something about these bands: Sum 41, Simple Plan, Fall Out Boy and Greenday?
A big fan from Three Mountains
By the way, Pearl,
did you take some photos at the 30StM Amsterdam show?
I would kill for a 'pink-bunny-ears' photo :-)
Pe from Germany
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