I had the weirdest dream a few days ago.... And I know that this site is beginning to look like an Ian Watkins fansite...But it isn't:P Although he is in my head a lot!Cause I already start to dream about him...That isn't healthy, isn't it? But it was a very weird, funny dream, so don't stop reading! I'll tell you my interesting adventures with Ian;)
One day I won a meet and greet with Ian Watkins (Lostprophets), it was on the same day as the concert they would be given that night. It was not on the same spot, somewhere in a place on the other side of town. I went there with my friend Lisa and it was nice. Not extremely special, but nice. Ian seemed to be a very normal person, which I didn't expect...Cause in my mind he is some kind of God or something....After the meet and greet we went to the concerthall. This hall was huge!! And it was decorated on a strange way...My mother and I went immidiately to the front, surprised that we were the first. Lisa sat down on a fat boy (a very big pillow) and decided to watch the concert from there. At that moment all kind of small children came into the hall and none of them came to the front. They sat down at chairs in the back...Finally the Lostprophets came up!!!(and we were still the only ones in the front) After a few song they stopped, cause there had been no more electricity. My mother and I were the only ones who cared about that...After the show I went to Ian Watkins and told him that I forgot my shoes at the meet and greet, cause I was wearing heals over there and that wouldn't be smart to wear at the concert...Ian decided to give my friend and I a ride to pick up the shoes. We walked to the car and suddenly I realised that I was walking hand in hand with Ian Watkins!!! Although it felt like I was walking with my dad or something:P While walking I asked Ian: Why didn't you crowdsurf? And he told me:That is part of the rehad I am taking to get off the alcohol... So I said: But i thought you were straight edge???! I am straight edge because you are... And then he almost cried! He was sooo dissapointed in himself! After that we went into his car and I wanted to sit in the front next to him, but someway I did not fit in that chair, cause it was made on Ivy's (his supermodel ex)size. So I sat on the backsead next to Lisa. There had been a huge trafficrow...So it took hours to reach the place and then....
I woke up...
I have no idea if this dream has a meaning or something, if you know the meaning please tell me...Well maybe I am just retarded...
1 comment:
hey there! Love the dream btw!!
im not a professional psychologist so dnt worry lol, but i am a student and have a gr8 grasp of analysis, so cos u asked lol..
U actually say in ur own words "ian seemed to be a very normal person...which i didnt expect..cos in my mind hes a god or sumthing.." this shows how u feel. Id say ur probs subconciously worried that if you ever did meet him hed be a dissapointment, he wouldnt live up to the idolisation ud built up in ur mind...hence the other part of your dream where he ses that he didnt crowd surf "cos its part of his rehab to get him off the alcohol" this is ur subconcious fighting with itself, trying to reasure u that he is as exciting as u hoped. But also the fact that u dreamt he has a bad boy dark side and that he isnt just "straight edge" additionally reflects ur fear that he wudnt be all u expected. The fact that he almost crys reflects again ur feelings of dissapointment because in our dreams we are the characters that feature - no matter how much we know about them or how well we kno wot they wud do - so yeh it reflects ur feeling that hes "let you down" in someway.
Ur deffo not retarded lol! hope this helps :D
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