Dear Scenekid,
I keep wondering about the things that are said about emos on the internet. I just found a website where an American doctor is warning parents for the fenomanen Emo. The site is just ridiculous, it is using every prejudge about emos against their culture. The culture is far not as dangerous as they try to let you believe. Lets start with the prejudges, what are these prejudges? Well the most considerable prejudges are that emos commit suicide and cut themselves. Others are that all emos are gay or at least bi-sexual. That is also the reason that guys wear girl-jeans and eyeliner. All emos have the same haircut and that is the one with the hair before one eye so that they can't see half of the evil world. Emos all listen to My Chemical Romance, or everyone that listens to My Chemical Romance is emo. Not only My Chemical Romance has got that label, also bands like Panic! at the Disco and 30 seconds to mars can't escape the hype. All emos are depressed and the music makes them even more depressed due to the sad lyrics. First I would like to make something clear about the music. The music of bands like My Chemical Romance is not the cause of the suicide and selfdestruction of emos. It may be the consequence of their depression. Children do not become depressed from ´emo´ music, but I can imagine that they go listen to that music if they are depressed. They may find themselves in the lyrics that moment and we all know that rockmusic just gives you a lot of energy and that is the positive thing that depressed people are looking for. Rockmusic can be just like drugs, if you feel good it makes you feel even better. If you feel down it can make you feel downer. That is maybe the reason that depressed emos blame the music for their depression. Although you also hear a lot of people that say ´emomusic´ helped them trough hard times. It is just the way you interpretade the music and the lyrics. The ´doctor´on the site I told you about wrote some of the ´alarming´ lyrics on his page and he underlined the dangerous sentences. We all know Panic! at the disco and I found that a very cheerful rockband, but he doesn´t think so. Do you think that sentences like ´she is not bleeding on the ballroomfloor just for the attention´are shocking? Sure not if you look at the rest of the lyric. If all these pretending doctors and journalists would pay a little more attention then they would see that you don't have to take this lyrics so seriously. Lyrics of Panic! at the disco are called 'there is a good reason these tables are numbered honey, you just haven't thought of it yet', do you seriously think that these lyrics have a deep, dangerous and mysterious meaning? The lyrics of My Chemical Romance aren't that bad as well, you might think of that when you hear titles like 'I'm not okay', but listen to the song, look at the lyric and especially, watch the video. The video is hilarious, not serious at all. These bands do not want emo kids to cut themselves and do horrible things. Bands just want to stand out and sometimes they do that with shocking lyrics, but just to shock people. If you aren't able to shock people it is very hard to climb to the top as a band. You see it in every genre. In hiphop and rap you see a lot of sexual expressions, but do you see fans of that kind of music making love in the middle of the street? No, so if these emobands would tell kids to commit suicide, which they absolutely don't, the kids won't do that! The kids that do that are kids that are in a very difficult period in their life all in the age of 12/13 and they are so depressed that they need to blame something. In this case bands like My Chemical Romance, which is a shame, cause MCR is an awesome band. These kids could have just as easily indentify with an other kind of music. They need a group and unfortunately the media made emos to the kind of group they think they belong to. The media made emo a negative culture, but I think that if you want to know what emo is, you should look at the roots. So you should look at the bands that pretend to be emo, the bands that emos follow. What kind of example do they give the kids? Skinny jeans, all stars, hair before the eye, express your emotions in lyrics... The ani-emos are the ones that put this aspects in a negative sight. Hair for the eye is to see only half of the evil world, I have that to, but just because I think it looks nice and my favourite bands that by the way make me feel really good are wearing it as well. The skinnyjeans according to the ani-emos is too tight for guys, so all emoguys are gay. Media is taking that very seriously and spreads only that news, cause that is shocking, but they are forgeting that that isn't the truth. The thing I want to make clear is that emos aren't that bad. It is to bad that depressed kids identify themselves with this scene and drag each other more and more into a serious depression. The original emo kids though are kids positively obsessed with rockbands, wearing their t-shirts, supporting them in every step, wearing the same clothes like skinnyjeans and all stars, aren't afraid to show their emotions and that is not bad, cause most are just happy cheerful people, they are smiling all day long!
Please comment...
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