Ian Watkins has launched his own clothingline called Made In Hell. He lauches a buch of limited edition teeshirts every month with an awesome design. You should check it out!http://www.myspace.com/wearemadeinhell .I read an interview on punktastic with the famous Ian Watkins and he had the perfect answers to two questions..
Are emos to blame for all of the world's ills? Do you think the mainstream media has got it all wrong and overreacted or are kids nowadays taking things all a little too seriously?
I dont think you can pluralise the word emo. Thats what annoys me the most.
And finally - give us all one reason why we should buy, and not illegally download for free, the forthcoming Lostprophets album...
Nah, if you dont want to buy it for whatever reason then cool. I understand that not everyone has the money to buy albums. I didnt when i was younger, i had to tape them off my friends and then nick the covers from Woolworths. Id much rather people listen to it for free than not at all. But if you steal it and like it, then come to a show and support us, or wear our teeshirts, or find some way of helping us carry on what we are doing. Even if its just telling friends and passing on CD's or mp3s.
you can find the whole interview on http://www.punktastic.com/interviews/222
1 comment:
Hi Pearl, I heard you're going to interview a rock star soon? Tell us all about it please!
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