I love the Lostprophets....I do I do I do! Especially Ian Watkins, he is really one of the hottest guys alive. But enough of that, lets tell you about last Thursday, the day the Lostprophets came to my town... It was 11 ´o clock in the morning and I was sooo crazy to stand in front of the Melkweg at that time. Appearantly I wasn´t the only crazy one over there cause there had been people that stood there since half past six that morning:S So I went to the Melkweg and at first I was afraid to stand over there cause the faces on the emos there told me something like stupid bimbo get out of here you don't belong here you're just here for the Ian Watkins or the fact that rockmusic is hot in fashion nowadays. After an hour I decided to sit there anyway, instead of walking around doing nothing. I could see that they didn't like me, but after a while I didn't care anymore. I was soooo cheerful and those people looked like they had just seen an environmental disaster. I grabbed my mathematics book, cause I would have a very important test the next day. It looked kinda sully, bit geeky, but I was determinded to get a good grade. At half past 12 my friend Natasha came and that was kind of a relief since I didn't have to be alone with the grumpies anymore. At half past two the bus arrove, I ws soooo thrilled. Stuart, Ilan, Lee, Jamie and Mike came out first, but I didn't pay any attention to them. Although I couldn't keep my eyes of Stu's bare but, it seems to be the latest fashion according to the Lostprophets, to wear the pants half way the but and wear no underpants. After 10 minutes or something Ian arrove, he got out of the bus and my heart missed a beat or two... His hair had grown, he wasn't as tall as I thought he would be and he was a little bit skinnier than I thought. I think that he lost some weight. It may be strange but I liked him more with a little bit more fat and I hoped he would be taller. Actually all with all I was a bit disappoited, I aslo saw some grey hairs! So I checked his age when I was at home, he is almost 31! Still he looked very good!I got an autograph and a picture with Ian Watkins can you believe that!?! Then he got inside with his huge Louis Vuiton bag and styish outfit: White skinnyjeans, shoes, that used to be white (I think), a light coloured shirt with some neklaces over it. So there I sat still waiting for the concert four hours to go... Then we heard that the rest of the Lostprophets went to a terras on the Leidseplein and so we went their for some autographs and pictures. They were really nice, adorable! Unfortunately Ian wasn't there cause he was a bit ill:( Poor Ian... When the doors finally opened we went inside with high speed! I got second row, which was perfect, cause I am like a head taller then all the girls in the front. First the band Seether came, which I also had a picture with some hours ago... The band was quite good, but I really coudn't wait till the Lostprophets! They played a Nirvana song which I found very cool! But enough about Seether! The moment was finally there...Lostprophets!!! When Jamie came on stage I realised that I didn't recognised him before cause his hair grow long and turned blond...I mean blonder than blond! When Ian arrove I screemed my heart out! Although I have seen them already four times, this time felt like it was the first time...The started with the song We still kill the old way, which was a perfect song to start with. Powerfull, perfect...The second song ride was one of my favourite songs, an oldie just like the first one. Ian talked a lot, something I really like, it makes the show special and Ian is sooo funny! I think he has talked about his new haircut for like five minutes... And now the moment were all girls will be soooo jealous at me.... Ian took his shirt off!!! His shirt, out, topless! All my dissapointments dissapeared! Ian is Heaven! More than heaven! I was hard to face the fact that I couldn't touch him, till the moment at the end of the show. They started with the great song Burn Burn the song were I cried the last time, tears of happieness! This time he took his neklace off and I knew that he was going to jump! And of course right in my arms, I didn't let him go! NO! I grabbed and hold, his back on my cheek, his belly in my arms, what a great combination! I touched him everywere! Than he stood right in front of me, thirty red nails rubbing his stomach, a very funny sight... It had been an amazing show, soooo awesome! The audience had been very enthousiast and the Lostprophets to. It had been one of the best concerts ever! Especially when I caught a drumstick with Ilan's name on it <3 I aslo caught Ian's water bottle and a pick! What a lucky bastard;) I can't wait for their new album, they played some of the new songs and those were amazing just like all of their songs! I really hope to see the Lostprophets soon again, not only Ian, they are all amazing! The best superstars in world without a doubt!
oh! Lostprophets! I like them! They’re realy good! Talanted gues ;)
Are there really Ian Watkins blog ??
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