The Pigeon detectives... Another new, fresh, awesome upcoming band! They are irresistible for every teenager, with their cheerful britpop and the appearance of frontsinger Matthew Bowman. Or the way he likes to call himsef "Matt"... But I have to admit those curls are very cute! Every concert of the Pigeon detectives had been a lot of fun, they play energetic and their songs seem to be great sing a longs;) I've seen them four times this year! Yes...My record for the same band in one year;) The first time was on london calling in march! This was also the very first time I saw them ever and they made a huge impression on me...Matthew started crowdsurfing and kissing two boys!!! Yeah I know what you think, but yes it was shocking and no he is not gay... But funny it was I have to admit...A new fan was born:) A few months later, I was reading a Dutch music magazine, called the Oor. There was a competition in it and the winner would get free AAA bracelets for all the concerts the Pigeon Detectives that they will be giving in the Netherlands and you will get the chance to travel with them in their touringbus! Well, don't you think that are enouph reasons to be in the competition? Yeah..I thought so as well! The only thing I had to do, was sending a card with my email and adress.. To bad..a week before they came to Holland I still didn't hear anything:( I had to hurry to buy some tickets, but I didn't expect it to be sold out. I bought tickets for their concert in Ekko, they would also perform in Amsterdam, but that one was in my week of finals.. I bought the tickets for Ekko just on time, because when we arrived there is was sold out! But I have to admit...Ekko is a very very very small hall. We where a little early, so we waited outside. I was very nervous, because I was only thinking of the cute curls;) I was sitting next to tourbus in the row for the concert, when suddenly someone was walking next to me...My mounth fell open and my friends were looking at me and wondering what was going on...Matthew just walked by! And the strange thing was, that nobody in that row noticed him!!!(or maybe they were not such hysteric fans like I am) After a while, we could go inside. They started playing way too late! But it was worth the waiting!! No boy kissing or crowdsurfing this time, but they played fenomenal!I don't know out of what Matt Bowman gets his energy, it is amazing...After the show my friend and I were scouting for a autograph and a picture, it took a while, but finally I saw him. The only problem was that we both didn't dare to ask him... And the strange thing again was that nobody (again) noticed him walking around the hall! Finally I got over my nerves and asked him. he said we better did that outside, because it was so hot in there. So we walked with him to the outside. Some "funny"fans outside were saying: "hey, there are the groupies". No...despite everybody at school says I am, my earrings say: 'Im with the band', and I might act like one.....I'm not!!! Outside we took some pictures, got some autoghraps and I got to konw what the secrect of his perfect curls is. No, i am not gonna tell you...I told you it is a secret! I also bought their cd: Wait for me, great cd, you should buy it as well! When I arrived my home sweet home, still full of excitement, I could start worrying about my finals:( The whole weekend I couldn't think of anything else....well except for the concert in Amsterdam the next monday...That monday some friends were going to that concert and I was just unable to restist it...When I was allowed to go I checked my email, and what did I see??? The guy from the competition emailed me! I WON!!! Well not everything they promised in first place, but I did won two free tickets for the concert that day! And a meet and greet:)! I was sooooo happy! I immidiately called one of my best friends and she went with me. We arrived a little bit early, so we were able to buy the guys a little present:) We went trough the whole city to look for an orriginal and nice present, but in the end we came up with an ordinary bag of sweets. Well..not really an ordinary, it was very big with a lot of hearts in it! When we came back, we were still to early... And again Matthew just walked by without someone noticed him:S I freaked out (as usually when I see one of my favourite bands) and my friend was like: "Are you kidding? he is soo ugly!". Well everybody their own taste.. When we finally could go in and were able to say:" We're on the guestlist", we had to wait again... Finally some guy took us backstage and there they were, the Pigeon Detectives!!!They were very nice, although they were not very spontanious (except for Matt Bowman). I gave them my bag of candy and Matthew was a little surprised:) Oliver(the guitarist) grabbed something out of the bag and Matt said:"And what do you say?". And Olvivers said on that:"Thank you", but not like thank you, no with a very soft shy voice, very funny!And I talked with Matt about that they should come to Lowlands, and he told me that I should buy a cheap ticket to England, to the Leeds and reading festival. Then Matt got a phonecall and he came to hear that his dog died:( Poor Matthew... But despite of that, they made a great show! After the show I bought Matthew a beer, but by the time I dared to give it to him, it looked more like urine...Despite that he said it was very sweet of me and he thanked me again for the sweets. It had been again a great day and I haven't been thinking of my finals at all. The next morning I made my final physics with a half sleepy head, but it went great, I got an A for it:) the fourth time I saw the Pigeon detectives was on Lowlands, I stood (of course) in the front and they rocked like usual!! I bought them a heartshaped lollypop and trew that on stage while they were playing and Matt said it looked like a picknick:) After the show they had a signing sesion and I was there of course. I let them sign my all star and Matt remembered that he got a bag of sweets at our meet and greet:) Well, that had made a big impression...So remember, when you have a meet and greet...buy them a present! During Lowlands there was being filmed and taken photo's....the result? Almost too emberaced to tell....okay, that's me hugging Matthew...
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